Friday, March 4, 2011

My Oren, got in Pain!

Assalamualaikum, little fella, peeps!

how's ur day? lately it's was rainny day! susah kadang kadang mahu balik kerja. And yes, yes. i'm just ride. senang! here story i wish for the next entry! tapi ta sempat sempat nak update nye dekat blog. and here, finally. terupdate juga.

it was happen on 20110303. seriusly. memang situasi menakutkan. and it happened once mahu on the way pergi kerja. and tayar pancit. pancit, guys! at first ta rasa lagi. sekali bile bawak laju laju. terasa ta best je bawak tau. so i try bawak selaju gila. untuk sampai ke tempat kerja. once sampai. my prektikal friends tengah godeh godeh motor nye.
i had told him. suruh tenguk tenguk tayar aku. seriusly. i was sweating all over. tengah pening kepala. dengan situasi moto. it never happen before. hish.. so lepas saja punch card. leman, for sure, teman untuk pam tayar dekat area pam minyak. so we ride using 2 rides! haha. sampai. pam lah.

and and, it's remain the same. and the last choice i just call my dad. act like tone voice, seem like so worried. then dalam tengah hari my dad sampai. dia tukar kan tayar. di tempat kerja aku sendiri. siap je. cool kan my dad. anak dia ta kuasa nak belajar tuka tayar. haha. thnks ayah! hehe! serisuly,, i do never take care about my oren. just bawak je reti. tayar nk pam pun ta reti. what the worse, kan! haha. do not laugh at me okey! dah dah. incik nureese mahu mandi. see ya! waits for the next entry, peeps!

yes, yes you're my lifesaver that moment! here picture we were took once my ride was fine. cool, isn't it?

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